自閉症の僕が跳びはねる理由【THE REASON I JUMP】の「20.少しの失敗でもいやですか?」(p54〜55)【Why do you make a huge fuss over tiny mistakes?(p64-65)】を読みました。


... Once I've made a mistake, the fact of it starts rushing towards me like a tsunami. And then, like trees or houses being destroyed by the tsunami, I get destroyed by the shock. I get swallowed up in the moment, and can't tell the right response from the wrong response. All I know is that I have to get out of the situation as soon as I can, so I don't drown. To get away, I'll do anything. Crying, screaming and throwing things, hitting out even ...

Finally, finally, I'll calm down and come back to myself. Then I see no sign of the tsunami attack - only a wreckage I've made. And when I see that, I hate myself. I just hate myself.

