「痛みを癒すヨーガ」〔原書【Yoga for Pain Relief】〕の「3.呼吸」(p23〜47)【breath(p23-47)】を読みました。



Your breath is also the part of a stress or pain response that is the easiest to consciously change. There's no easy way to consciously block the transmission of a pain signal from one brain cell to another or ask your adrenal glands to stop releasing stress hormones. You can, however, easily learn to slow down or deepen your breath. It takes little more than a bit of attention to the breath. Small changes in your breathing can lead to big changes in how the mind and body function, including lowering stress hormones and reducing your sensitivity to pain.





These studies and others like them confirm what you can observe yourself as you try the breathing practices in this chapter. The breath is a powerful tool for breaking the cycle that reinforces chronic pain and stress. When you learn to breathe in a way that supports feelings of comfort, safety, and joy, you can actually choose these experiences over suffering.
